Lee L. Davis & Associates
Lee L. Davis & Associates


Expanding the community voice

LDA Outreach experience includes numerous public meetings and forums around the status of the respective projects and the reporting and monitoring of federal and state contract compliance requirements as well as providing contractor information and outreach support. Mr. Davis managed, monitored and reported on the compliance of

subcontractors and DBE’s on several major BART public transportation projects, including: 

  • The Oakland Airport Connector project, (Design Build) 
  • eBART Construction East Contra Costa Extension Project
  • ·BART SFO Extension project, (Design Build) 
  • eBART Vehicle Procurement Project
  • The Earthquake Safety Program project

LDA was the originator of the largest ever Business and Contractor Outreach event providing support services and technical assistance for small businesses and contractors in the Bay Area. The Bay Area Vendor Fairs had attendance of over one thousand participants including small businesses, public & private sector agencies and corporations, and city and local government officials. Lee Davis has written, managed and implemented on a daily basis BART’s DBE program and Non-Discrimination Program for subcontractors. At BART, he also led the initiative to pursue the startup of the Agency’s first Disparity Study and drafted their Small business Program.


Outreach Services Include

DBE Outreach


 Design and Convene small business and DBE outreach services for prime contractors and public agencies on major infrastructure and vehicle procurement projects.  

DBE Performance Plans


 Design and implement DBE Performance Plans, for major infrastructure projects including Design-Build. Including the reporting of DBE and SBE goal attainment, awards and payments.  

Resources for Project Staff


Provide DBE contractor services for Office administrative staff and Field Engineering support, including but not limited to structural excavation along with Environmental  inspection.